Hi Everyone, I am Mel and you can find me over at The Larson Lingo!
(My real name is Melissa, but my friends call me Mel)
I am wife to Kevin & mommy to 2 little girls, Kate & Claire.
They are my everything!
I am a middle school math teacher & etsy shop owner.
I am so thankful for my life. I am truly blessed.
(My real name is Melissa, but my friends call me Mel)
I am wife to Kevin & mommy to 2 little girls, Kate & Claire.
They are my everything!
I am a middle school math teacher & etsy shop owner.
I am so thankful for my life. I am truly blessed.

When Julie first mentioned this idea to me, it gave me the chills & brought tears to my eyes.
God was working in my heart. I knew I had to be a part of it.
Build a well? Raise $5,000?
Can we do that?
No we can't, but GOD can.
And He will.
We have a big God who will do big things if we allow Him to use us for His glory!
Being a part of this project has caused me to do a lot of reflecting on my life.
I have a very, very blessed life.
A wonderful husband and 2 healthy & amazing girls.
The past few months I have felt like life is busy, chaotic & overbooked.
I complain that I don't have enough time in the day to get stuff done that *I* want to do.
You know, things I had time to do before I had kids....sleep in, go to Target by myself, read a book, travel, go out to eat.
How selfish do I sound? Yikes.
Did you know that each day 4500 moms just like me are worrying whether their children will live or die because of contaminated water. They have to walk miles and miles to get water for their children.
And, here I am complaining about wanting to sleep in or go shopping by myself when other mothers are burying their children because of the lack of clean water.
Wow. I take my life for granted.
If that doesn't put things into perspective, I don't know what does.
Let's celebrate this Christmas the way it was intended to be celebrated....
By Giving to others, giving the gift of water, giving life.
Sure, there are many things I WANT for Christmas.
But there is nothing I NEED.
I have everything I have ever needed.
A loving husband, healthy children, a wonderful family, a home, a job, food and water.
God has been SO good to me.
I must give back.
Give more. Do More. Be More.
To the Glory of God.
We are just 6 ordinary women who want to make a difference in the world.
But we need YOUR help!
Will you join us?