This bundle includes the following donations:
handmade card - heart hugs designs
green tote and towels - water drop shop
keychain - polka dot market
print - hope ink
three flower pins - the pleated poppy
sterling silver stamped necklace - angel face designs
$15 gift certificate- Mary Martha & Co
hat - kissable kreations
target gift card - little bit funky
crayon holder - 1 stitch away
certificate for two hair clips - lovey dovey clips
sparkly ornaments - mrs. blueberry
note cards - doodlebugs paper
beautiful quilt- Launa
little girl's hair bands -
starbuck's cold tumbler (yes - the one with the candy cane straw!) - joy's hope
tote bag - eli's lids
"Holla!" shirt {size medium and super cute} - haus of girls
dress - cupcream
tote bag - eli's lids
"Holla!" shirt {size medium and super cute} - haus of girls
dress - cupcream
please enter me for this bundle! congrats on one well already!!
ooh la la!
suzanne mckay
Sign me up for this one!
Becky Joyce
Go well numero dos!!!!
Sign me up for this one!
Sign me up for this one!
Suzanne mckay
Last entry!
More cute stuff!
2nd entry
Mandy Cozby
This is so amazing!!
Thank you girls!!
Nichole R
reynolds11103 hotmail
Basically...I *have* to have this one. I mean, really.
Jeannett Gibson
These bundles are all so cute! Hard to pick one over another!
karen pavone
kpscarlett at gmail dot com
Tomorrow is my birthday...just saying ;)
Thanks so much for letting me part of a blessed thing!
Kelly Koonce
Too funny its my birthday tomorrow too!! 31!!
I love this set!
reynolds11103 hotmail
Cynthia Diaz
Ronda Rhodes
This is so exciting!
Rory Lee
mlee4955 at sbcglobal dot com
the holla shirt is awesome! i'm in for this one too!
danyele easterhaus
djehaus {at} gmail {dot} com
Kristin Sellars
have i mentioned that i want this one?
Nicole Bennett
Nicole Bennett
oooh pick me pick me!
Cat Pedroza
jennifer moulton
1st entry
jennifer moulton
2nd entry
Elizabeth Bodin (I donated anonymously)
I'm so glad ya'll far surpassed your goals. When does everything start? If you need volunteers please let me know!!
This is a great bundle.
Angela Pizelo
angela.pizelo at gmail dot com
Okay fine, I wasn't going to enter (actually I was just waiting for the bundle with the Sarah + Abraham gift certificate) but the Holla t-shirt is way too cute. :)
Anjanette Warren
Joy Foster Entry #2
Heidi Jo the Artist
1 Entry
I debated on not using the rest of my entries because I have already won, but I decided that I would put a few more entries in to encourage people to go give MORE money for a better chance to win this awesome bundle! Yes, that means YOU! Project 320 is Awesome! Let's get that 2nd well built!
Heidi Jo the Artist
1 Entry
I debated on not using the rest of my entries because I have already won, but I decided that I would put a few more entries in to encourage people to go give MORE money for a better chance to win this awesome bundle! Yes, that means YOU! Project 320 is Awesome! Let's get that 2nd well built!
All the packages have been super super awesome, don’t get me wrong! But that purple quilt!! I’m drooling! Purple is to me, like aqua is to Julie. ;)
1 Entry
I debated on not using the rest of my entries because I have already won, but I decided that I would put a few more entries in to encourage people to go give MORE money for a better chance to win this awesome bundle! Yes, that means YOU! Project 320 is Awesome! Let's get that 2nd well built!
Do I see swirls too!
Heidi Jo the Artist
1 Entry
I debated on not using the rest of my entries because I have already won, but I decided that I would put a few more entries in to encourage people to go give MORE money for a better chance to win this awesome bundle! Yes, that means YOU! Project 320 is Awesome! Let's get that 2nd well built!
I'm looking greedy, aren't I!?
Heidi Jo the Artist
1 Entry
I debated on not using the rest of my entries because I have already won, but I decided that I would put a few more entries in to encourage people to go give MORE money for a better chance to win this awesome bundle! Yes, that means YOU! Project 320 is Awesome! Let's get that 2nd well built!
Promise if I win again, to give most of the items to family and friends!
Heidi Jo the Artist
1 Entry
I debated on not using the rest of my entries because I have already won, but I decided that I would put a few more entries in to encourage people to go give MORE money for a better chance to win this awesome bundle! Yes, that means YOU! Project 320 is Awesome! Let's get that 2nd well built!
Because as crazy as this sounds, December 17th, I'm not as finished on Christmas gifts as I probably should be.
Heidi Jo the Artist
1 Entry
I debated on not using the rest of my entries because I have already won, but I decided that I would put a few more entries in to encourage people to go give MORE money for a better chance to win this awesome bundle! Yes, that means YOU! Project 320 is Awesome! Let's get that 2nd well built!
Got a few things for gifts in the mail today though, from this awesome shop: http://water4christmas.etsy.com
Last day to order to get your gifts in time for Christmas!
Heidi Jo the Artist
1 Entry
I debated on not using the rest of my entries because I have already won, but I decided that I would put a few more entries in to encourage people to go give MORE money for a better chance to win this awesome bundle! Yes, that means YOU! Project 320 is Awesome! Let's get that 2nd well built!
Last one!
Okay, Heidi Jo...you'll have to share with me too! j/k :)
Using my final and third entry on this bundle. Love it.
Jeannett Gibson
Adie Smith..........Holla!!!!!!!
Oh...me likey.
Brooke Johnson
Angela Pizelo
angela.pizelo at gmail dot com
It's looking like there will be 2 wells before the week is over.
We love this...
ONE entry for me and the lilybean
So close to well #2...whoot whoot!
We love this...
ONE entry for me and the lilybean
So close to well #2...whoot whoot!
We love this...
ONE entry {our 3rd} for me and the lilybean
So close to well #2...whoot whoot!
We love this...
ONE entry {our 4th} for me and the lilybean
So close to well #2...whoot whoot!
We love this...
ONE entry {our 5th} for me and the lilybean
So close to well #2...whoot whoot!
Love it all! One entry for me and Boo!
Love what you are doing and it's the least I can do to help someone have fresh water when I have so much!
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