
World Water Day

Today is World Water Day!

EVERYONE in the world should have access to clean water! We have become so passionate about clean drinking water over the past few years, since the launch of Project 320 in 2009. Just last month we received word that four P320-funded projects have recently been completed via Charity: Water and thanks to YOUR donations- like this hand dug well in Minchi Village, Ethiopia- serving hundreds of people. Amazing and encouraging!

The Adventure Project is awesome!

Meg Duerksen of Whatever is also passionate about clean water. Today she is joining forces with fellow bloggers to feature The Adventure Project, in an effort to support the well mechanics that are desperately needed to keep those new wells working. And she's got some major incentive for those of you who have the heart to help raise money by donating today. A box of Craft Weekend swag is up for grabs! Meg has all the details here.

YAY for clean water! Go give!
Thank YOU!


Let's goD!

As the six of us embark on our third Project 320 Christmas Campaign, we must admit...

We are humbled.
We are thankful.
We are excited.
We are scared.
We are in awe.

That is the biggest thing, I think.
We are in awe...
of HIS almighty power.
And of your heart to help!

Two Christmases in a row, we have been blown away
by the beauty that is your hearts, outpoured in support of our dream.
A dream that has grown to be so much more.
A dream that is now joyful REALITY!
Times three.

This year, the need is still great. 
And water is still very much on our hearts and minds.
So it is with great anticipation and excitement, we kick off

Project 320: 2011

We are inviting anyone with a blog, be it one followed by millions or dozens, to host a giveaway. Handmade, vintage, or store bought.  Freedom and creativity is the only guideline.  It could be one pretty thing, or a whole bundle of fabulous.

Each $10 donation to the Project 320 well will count for one entry in one giveaway.

Each blogger is then individually responsible for choosing a winner, verifying the donation, and shipping off the prize(s).

Just think, it would only take 50 blogs with 10 entries each to fund one well.

Little things = Big changes.

Add your giveaway to the Linky below!
And then GO.
Post our button in your sidebar.
Like our Facebook page.
Visit all the blogs hosting giveaways and spread the word!!
Let's do Christmas different this year.
Let's use social media for good.
Tweet, Facebook, Stumble, Chrome, Path, Pin, Insta-crazy each and every Gram out of this need.
And above all....Pray.
Watch HIM work.
One week. One Well. Lives Changed.

Let's Go.
Let GOD!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Think of what could happen...

‎$450 BILLION spent on Christmas?? Please watch this! And then commit to exchanging just ONE holiday purchase for something hand/homemade, and spending those saved dollars on WATER instead. Think of what could happen...


Bring it.

Two years ago what started out as a small idea,
a dream in our hearts, an impossible goal,
suddenly became more than possible.

More than we could have ever imagined.

Something that part of us can't believe,
that still brings us to tears.
You, together with the talented and generous artisans and crafters

You helped give three communities access to clean water.
To life.
To hope.
To a future.

Let's do it again.

How?  By joining together our hearts, our passions and our talents, we together accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope.

Want to join in?
Email us at

project320blog {@} gmail dot com

Lets change the world together.


Thank you for believing and giving so abundantly!
From the bottom of our hearts, we love all of you!

Infinitely More,

The 320 Girls


Water makes a lovely gift.

{Scroll down for the Raffles Linky post!}

Need a gift for that hard to buy for person, with a big heart?
Why not buy water in their name?
Then enter the giveaways in your name...

Everyone is happy.
The well inches closer to being built.

Feel free to right click this image and use it as an easy peasy printable gift card.

Let's keep building the well!
Donate here.

We big puffy heart you!


Visit all of the Project 320 giveaways.

Happy Monday to you.
Ready to build a well together?

Here is how it is going to work:

For each $10 donation through the charity:water 
you will earn ONE entry to ONE blog giveaway.

There is no limit to how many times, or how many giveaways you can enter, as long as you adhere to the $10/ one entry rule.

Below are links to all of the blogs that are hosting giveaways to help fund a well through charity:water.

One week.  One well.  Lives changed.



We want to start by saying how grateful we all are for your heart to help.
To buy water.
To change the future.

Last year was beautiful.  Overwhelming.  Humbling.  Amazing.
We could not believe the outpouring of support for our little dream to build a well.  The dream that was quickly expanded to yet another well.

This year we still have water on our hearts and minds.
We still want to do what we can to change lives half a world away.

Together we prayed, brainstormed, cried, stretched and came up with a new model for 2010.

Monday, December 13th will kick off Project 320 Giveaway week.

We are inviting anyone with a blog, be it one followed by millions or dozens, to host a giveaway.
Handmade, vintage, or store bought.  Freedom and creativity is the only guideline.  It could be one pretty thing, or a whole bundle of fabulous.

Each $10 donation to the Project 320 well will count for one entry in one giveaway.

Each blogger is then individually responsible for choosing a winner, verifying the donation, and shipping off the prize(s).

Just think, it would only take 50 blogs with 10 entries each to fund one well.

Little things= Big changes.

First thing Monday morning, a linky will be set up here for you to add in your giveaway post.  Then use social media for good and spread the word.

Until then, think of what you would like to give away.
Post our button in your sidebar.
Write up a sneak peek post.
Be ready to help change the world.

We can't wait for Monday!!!


Almighty Awesomeness

 The following email landed in Julie's inbox a couple days ago.
I present it to you as the

anything is possible.
our God is an awesome God.
every drop matters.

I got goosebumps just reading it.
 (for more pics from the field CLICK HERE)

Clean water for people halfway across the world.
In HIS name.
The Definition of RAD.

"Dear Julie,

This is it!

In a couple weeks we will be sending your funds to Ethiopia.

The construction will start soon, and we are ordering plaques to adhere to each water project site. For your project, we currently have:

Sponsored by: “Project 320”.

If there’s an alternate name you’d like to appear on your plaque, please respond to this email with an alternate by Tuesday, April 13th, 2010.

Also, if you would like physical photos of your completed water project in 12-18 months, please provide your mailing address.

Thanks again and I look forward to following up with you in the coming months on our progress!

Kelly Gannon
Fundraising Support
charity: water / charitywater.org
200 Varick Street, Suite 201
New York, NY 10014
office: 646.688.2323
3.5 years. 2,406 projects in 16 countries. 1,081,612 people served.
Water changes everything.

Thank you and God Bless to EVERYONE who made this dream a reality for us. It's my hope you feel a little something in YOU was realized as well. Wont it be exciting to see those pictures 12-18 months from now?! We can't wait!!


Humanitarian Parole for orphans in Haiti

The outpouring of support for Haiti that we have seen throughout the blogging community is astounding. Everywhere we turn, it seems, another fundraiser... another campaign for aid... more hope for Haiti.

But what about the hundreds of thousands of orphans amidst the chaos? This is something very close to our hearts. Julie and I have both talked about our friend, Kristen Howerton, on our own blogs over the past week. You see, Kristen was actually in Haiti last week during the earthquake, visiting her son, who her family has been in the process of adopting for years. Like so many others who were nearing the end of this agonizing process, the future is now even more uncertain, as the government buildings processing adoptions have been destroyed. Can you imagine the devastation Kristen felt when she was finally evacuated home... without her son? Heartache.

[Here is a video clip of Diane Sawyer on the orphans in crisis. You can even see her holding the Howertons' son, Kembert (the cutie in the blue shirt), during a visit to his orphanage- Heartline- just after Kristen returned to the US.]

What hope do the families like the Howertons have? There may be an option for getting these kids safely home under humanitarian parole.

The next mission of Project 320 is to desperately spread awareness about humanitarian parole. We are so thankful for YOU, part of our amazing team of supporters & prayer warriors. We can potentially make a huge impact here, and here is exactly how YOU can help- RIGHT NOW! All it will take is a bit of your time. We can all afford to give a few moments of our time. Please help us spread the word in any way you possible can! Thank you, friends.

{most of the following taken directly from Kristen's blog...}

We need to make some noise to get our congressman and senators working on this. Please use any contact you have with immigration, attorneys, press, or anyone who might have influence to get our story out there and put pressure on the state department to intervene. The points are outlined below, followed by the contact info for some of our government officials. If you know of others, feel free to pass this along.


The government buildings that were processing adoptions were demolished. Many government workers are feared dead. Orphans in Haiti are in grave danger, and yet have willing families in the US who can care for them. Children in orphanages are homeless. They are at risk of looting and robbery. Everyone in Haiti is at risk of food and water shortages and air-born disease due to the current situation. The local caregivers are focused on their own families, so the orphanage is short-staffed. Supplies are running low. The situation is desperate.


THE SOLUTION IS HUMANITARIAN PAROLE FOR ADOPTIVE CHILDREN. These children have willing families to care for them and can be brought to the US for care. While granting a humanitarian parole is outside the normal procedures, the United States government has granted them in the past (e.g. Cambodia and Romania).
THIS IS NOT AN EXPEDITED ADOPTION. The adoption process is now completely incapacitated, but when it resumes the United States seeks to honor the adoption process established in Haiti. This is a humanitarian effort to care for these kids, and the adoption will be processed using the usual procedure at a later time.


Humanitarian parole for adoptive children benefits everyone involved. The kids are moved to safety. There is no cost to the government because these children have families ready to care for them. This frees up the orphanages in Haiti to care for more children. It does not circumvent the already established adoption process. It is ethical and compassionate.

Here are some people to contact:

The Honorable Barbara Boxer
United States Senate
112 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-0505
Twitter: @Barbara_Boxer

The Honorable Dianne Feinstein
United States Senate
331 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-0504
http://feinstein.senate.gov/public/ index.cfm?

The Honorable Dana Rohrabacher
United States House of Representatives
2300 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-0546
Voice: 714-960-6483
FAX: 714-960-7806

Clinton Foundation

Raymond Joseph Haitian
Ambassador to US
P: 202-332-4090
F: 202-745-7215

Kenneth H Merten
US Ambassador to Haiti
Tabarre 41, Blvd 15 Octobre
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
P: 509 22 29 8000
F: 509 22 29 8028

Hilary Clinton/Dept of State
U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520
Main Switchboard: 202-647-4000

{The Howertons' story...}

{better grab your box of tissues before watching this...}



Praying for Haiti.
Wanting to help.
To do something.

Seeking what specifically that would be.

Please pray along with us.


done and done.

As of noon Tuesday, the SECOND well in Africa was fully funded. Below is an excerpt from Erin's post on Tuesday at Bringing Up Burns. We thought it a fitting sentiment as we wrap up this amazing journey you all have helped us to take.

"O Lord, we feast on the ABUNDANCE of your house. You give them drink from your river of delights; for with you is the WATER of life." Psalm 36:5

"I know I have been MIA all last week. I have been scrambling to get.it.done.
IT being the crafting and the sewing and the baking and the painting...
because I committed to giving EVERYONE handmade items this Christmas.
(and let me tell you, my handmade gifts are CUTE! But I'll save that post for later...cause I have more RAD stuff to share today!)

I've been busy making handmade gifts because I'm committed to ending store bought frivolity. Ending wasted coin.
Because all the coin I have to spare is going to build a well. 

Well guess what?
We (HE, you and me) built a well.
A village changed. Lives saved.
The promise of clean water realized.

And guess what again?...

Last Tuesday, a little before 3pm, our well was fully funded.
The most sweetest of emails landed in my inbox.
I cried, I cheered, I danced, I sang.
I picked my kids up and swung them round and round and kissed their faces.
I drank a glass of water.

And then I began my plan of attack of getting Matt to let me visit our well in the Summer of 2011 when it is fully built.


I went to bed Tuesday night, giddy.
I woke Wednesday morning, still FULL of joy, and checked the P320 blog for fun.
I mean - there were awesome bundles still to be won! I wondered, who was going to win them? Who was going to love them?

And while I hate to admit it, cause it pretty much shows how much little faith I really have, I WAS FLOORED to discover that not only was our well fully funded....

But we were on our way to building ANOTHER!

Over $6500 in donations by Wednesday noon!
I shook my head and scolded myself.

Because, of course!
I pray to the Lord to "accomplish infinitely more than I'd ever dare to ask or hope" and then I am shocked when he follows through.
Silly girl.
Silly, silly girl.

Our God is an Awesome God!

And you my friends, are awesome too. I wish I could squeeze each and every one of you who helped make our dream a reality. TIMES TWO! Thank you for being so generous and so faithful. Thank You for your time, your creativity, your enthusiasm, your COIN. Thank you for showing us that The Lord can take one person, one idea, one maybe...and in HIS infinite power, grace and love grow it into a project, a dream, a for sure, a made it happen, a done and done.

"So whether you eat or DRINK or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31

Without further ado...
the winner of the

bonus bundle is...

Don't be too sad if you didn't win! This isn't the end of Project 320. Really, this is only the beginning. It will be hard to top 2 wells in 2 weeks...but we do have more fun in store for this little blog. Please check back soon to see what else keeps our busy brains awake at night! God Bless. Happy Christmas.

Be Merry!
Be Bright!


Almost there...

Two wells!
Two villages!

Hundreds of lives saved.
The world will change.

Because of you.
Your hearts.
Your sacrifices.
Your love.

We thought that this bundle would stay open until after New Years.
Yet once again, we were wrong.
In less than 24 hours the second well was funded.
We are celebrating.

Now to pick a winner...
stay tuned.

Thanks to the outpouring of donations the second well
is almost funded and there is no way we could stop now!!!

How does a bonus bundle with prizes worth over $1000 sound?

Entries will remain open until another village is saved.

Each $25 donation equals one entry into the bonus raffle.

(Basically a 1 in 67 chance of winning.
The odds aren't too shabby...)

Leave one comment per entry in the comment section.
Don't forget your email address.

You aren't going to believe this bundle!!!
It is above and beyond in every way.

20x24 Gallery wrapped canvas from

Camera strap slipcover from

One year Picnik Premium from

Papaya framed linocut from

Two lids and two tees from

Stamps and vintage flashcards from

Amy Butler Love 14 FQ bundle from

Four pattern pack from


Gift Certificate

Vintage daisy necklace

Two pairs of earrings from
Lil' Nancy's Danglin' Designs

Holla tote from
and Pretty. Messy. Flower from

Vintage ephemera, scrapbook & card making
supplies and a key fob from

Vintage hankie and Anthropologie earrings from

Fabric mousepad from

Starbucks gift card and dish towels from

Vintage inspired necklaces and earrings from

Lulu the owl hair clip holder from

Handmade dog treats from
Chloe's K9 Cookies

Hat and tote with Africa silhouette from

Bib, baby headband and clippies from

Gift certificate from

Silver Bella tote from
and Pretty. Messy. Flower from

Custom cozy rag woobie from

Sweet dress from

Hand painted silhouette canvas from

Gift certificate from

Tutu and sweet felt flower headband from

Fabric covered composition book from

Personalized calendar from

Quilted table runner in Meadowsweet fabric from

{Comments are now closed.
Thanks for each and every one of your donations!}